Saturday, January 17, 2009

Post Number Ten - So, How About That Local Sports Team...?

Dear Blog,
I know it's been a long time since I've communicated with you. And believe me, I feel awful about it. I could give you my list of excuses: I was really busy studying for exams; I spent a lot of time at Christmas with my family; nothing exciting enough to blog about happened to me; I got HBO. But these are, like I said, just excuses. The truth is, I've gotten slack in my side of the relationship. Well, that just won't do, Blog. You're better than that and we both know it. Please, Blog, please forgive me! I would despair to think that things have become cold and awkward between us! I couldn't bear to have to go back to simply making small talk with you - you with whom I've shared my deepest feelings, stupidest moments and bitterest (real word?) actions. There are only a handful of real people who know me as well as you do, Blog. And, to tell you the truth, my relationship with you has lasted longer than any relationship that I've had with a real guy. But you knew that already, didn't you? Blog, rest assured that I intend to devote more time to you in the weeks and months ahead! I won't lie to you, there may be lapses in the time that I spend with you, but I promise, I'll work on it! Blog, you mean so much to me, and I hope that you feel the same. After all, no one real has the patience to listen to me, and it's highly unlikely that anyone actually reads you. We're all that each other has! And Blog, did you really think that I would leave you hanging like that? That I would just quit you cold turkey? Never! I have more class than that! If I was going to leave you, I would show you the respect you deserve by telling you the truth, face to monitor! I would never, ever, tell you over msn, just like I wouldn't trick you into starting a relationship with me!! (Whoa, did I just go there? Yes I did.) Because I do respect you, Blog, and I am not a coward! To conclude, Blog, I would once again like to beg your forgiveness and to reaffirm my committment to you. Blog, I have a serious question that I would like to ask you: Will you go steady with me?

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