Thursday, November 13, 2008
Post Number Two - A Less Depressing Series of Events? - Unlikely!
Long story short, my boyfriend and I broke up yesterday. We had a classic middle school run (2 whole weeks together!), which is mildly embarassing. The first week of our partnership was great. We totally hit it off. He came to visit at least 3 times a day, often when I wasn't there, humourously bugging the crap out of Morganne. But the second week was different. We really didn't see each other much. Something shifted. I don't think it was his fault or my fault, but I knew for a while that the break-up was coming, so I wasn't really shocked or even that upset when it happened. So I wasn't actually mad at him for breaking up with me (yeah, he got to it first, but, for the record, I was thinking it. [I was also thinking that if he really wanted to, I'd be willing to make an effort to pull things back together, but boys can't really handle complicated thoughts like that, so it just worked out the way that it did]). What did bug me, and I believe I'm being reasonable in voicing this opinion, is that he did it over msn. That's right. He went there. He had been away on a trip for the weekend, but had been home for 3 hours when he did this. I didn't know he was home. I was sitting around, waiting for him to visit so that I could talk to him. Visit, he did not. Instead, he took a nap, then sent me a huge msn spiel with the classic "I think we'd be better off as friends" line. I mean, come on boys. Girls are starting to catch on to this one. Please try to be at least a little original. Anyway, since I was waiting for news like this, I was kind of relieved that it was at least done, so I went up to his room and had a chat. We ended it as friends (just like he wanted! Wow!) and we may actually get along better now. That has yet to be seen. I told him that he wasn't a man because he did the msn break-up. He hid behind a pillow and mumbled something about his lack of testicles. I agreed with him. I'm actually not really mad at him or anything. I was feeling a little bummed, more because I missed the feeling from the beginning of our time together than anything else. No, I wasn't mad at him. I wasn't expecting to get mad at anyone. It's not something that happens that frequently. But tonight I ran into my friend, who I shall not name (but whose name starts with K and rhymes with "whalein'." K and I were chattin' it up, all normal, when he asks me how things are going with Steve (where Steve = the ex). I told him that we had broken up last night. Was K compassionate? Was he there for me in my time of need (okay, I didn't really 'need' that much, but I'm being dramatic). No. He just looks me in the eye and says "I called it!" I just mumbled something and headed off. But on the inside, I was like "Are you flipping kidding me? Have you ever spent any time around women? Ever? That is NOT what you say to a girl whose just been broken-up with." He asked Maggie (who was there at the time) why I had left. Maggie (who is one of my 2 new favourite people [#2 will be discussed in a later post, because it's a good story]) says to him: "because you're an insensitive jerk." That's my girl! Long story short, when I got back to my room, I told Morg and she, being the great friend that she is, backed me in being mad at him. He sent me a text that said something along the lines of "I love you and I'm sorry I made you sad, we're still friends, blah blah blah crap." Yeah, sure, it's up to you, the offender, to determine whether we're still friends. Anyway, my reply to him was short and sweet: "Screw you." Even at the time, I actually felt that that was a little harsh, but Morg told me that that was the only way to get your point across with boys, so I sent it. I've actually cooled down now and find the whole incident slightly humourous, but I'm not going to let him know that yet. Best to let him grovel for a couple of days. Yeah, I'm cruel, I know. But I deserve it. I've had a bad weekend.
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I'm really sorry to hear that, but if you think it's for the best, then I suppose that's good. I don't think we talk enough, because I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Oh well, I suppose. I hope things look up for you soon. :) love love!
You shouldn't be too hard on him. There is magical moment of validation when you called something.
It's cruel and smug and arrogant to brag about that insight when it comes to things that affect people.
But you called it. It doesn't matter who vindicated your foresight, some part of you will want to blurt it out aloud.
Granted he could have paused for a second and mention that he called it to someone else, which is the thing to do when the person is directly involved.
I'll agree it was cruel and insensitive, and I don't know the guy, so maybe he even meant it that way. But there's a possibility likely he was just being frank out of familiarity and was accidentally.
And yes, I'm creeping on your private blogosphere, but Jeri's blog lead me to your blog.
Haha, Chatta, I don't understand a word of what you just said. It sounds like an obscure indie song. But it's good to hear from you nevertheless and I don't mind you blog creeping - creep away!
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