Monday, November 24, 2008

Post Number Seven - For Some Reason, We're Stupid Today

About 20 minutes ago, Morg and I had a quote fest. As in, we said a series of things that made us laugh. Probably they won't make you laugh. But I felt that I had to record them for posterity. I may also include other quotes, some said at other times and/or by other people. Commence!

1. Morganne: Mickie, come here and look at this text I sent this morning.

Text: It will have to be a minty thank-you. Thank you so much!!

Mickie: How could this happen?

Morganne: I sent it this morning. At 9:00 a.m.. When I was in bed. I knew that I could sleep-talk. Turns out I can sleep-text too.

Mickie: BWABWABWA (i.e. laughter)

2. Mickie (eating a grapefruit): I was just about to tell you that grapefruit is my favourite animal.

3. Morganne: Remember that text that I just showed you? It said that "It" will have to be a minty thank-you. What do you think "it" is?

Mickie: Ahh, "it", the ubiquitous pronoun.

Morganne: Haha, yeah, so true

Mickie: Did you like how I just played it off like I know what "ubiquitous" means?

Morganne: Yeah, that was good. I totally responded like I knew what it meant too.

Mickie: Yeah, I noticed. That was really good.

4. Friday, when Morg and I went to Tim Horton's for bagels

Mickie: Hey, look! There's totally a place called "Fabutan"!

Morganne: I could really use a tan.

Mickie: I'm not really a fan of the tan.

Morganne: Of the fake tan, or the tan in general?

Mickie: Of the tan in general. I'd rather be pale. Like alabaster.

Morganne: Oh I love the tan. Need the tan. My kingdom for a tan!!

5. At the Semi-Formal

Mickie (to Morganne): You're not going to remember any of this tomorrow.

Morganne: I will! I'm not thaaaat drunk.

Mickie: Fine. We'll come up with a codeword. If you can remember it tomorrow, then I owe you an apology.

Morganne: Fine, what's the codeword?

Mickie: Ummm.... Fabutan!

6. Every time anyone from our house sees someone else from our house

Person 1: OH, HEY

Person 2: OH, HEY

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