Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Post Number Fourteen - Offish Nineteen!!! (Hoot Hoot, Holla Holla!)

It's pretty late. Been dressed up all day. Have yet to take off tiara. My own birthday's not even 2 hours old. Sleepy - want pyjamas. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Aren't you glad we were born in the same hospital room? It's such a good story. Oh, and I bought a beer for Pete tonight (pictured below); that was probably the most thrilling thing I've done all semester. And I got ID'ed and got in because I'm old enough! The bouncer dude was so happy that it was our birthdays (or so I like to think). Look, I'm letting words speak instead of pictures. I'm so bad a shutting up. Okay, here it goes!

1 comment:

Jeri said...

happy birthday mickie!!!!!!!!!!! looks like loads of fun